Don't Underestimate the Power of a Common Man

 "What a common man can able to do? He can vote for a politician, he can do a job, he can cherish his family. But some people can do wonders, without any help they can achieve success on their own."

 In India there are many problems, there are solutions also, but the problem was leadership. Who can lead the people to solve the problems, a politician, an government officer, a cinema actor or any cricket player. No one can lead this people, only a common man can do.
Yes, a common man Gandhiji lead people towards Independence, a common man Sundarlal Bahuguna lead the people towards afforestation. Like them there are many leaders in India who changed and changing the future of India. Here are the some leaders who worked in various problems and achieve success.

1.Jadav Molai Payeng - Forest Man of India

Padma Shri "Jadav Molai Payeng" is a environmental activist from Assam created a forest single handedly known as "Molai Forest". 

At the age of 16 he encountered a large number of snakes and fishes that had died due to excessive heat after floods washed them onto the tree-less sandbar. Then he decided to plant trees. He started working in 1979, he not only planted trees, he protect them and take care. 

  He not only looked after the plants, but continued to plant more trees on his own, in an effort to transform the area into a forest. There are several types of trees and houses Bengal tigers, Indian rhinoceros, deer, apes and several birds. He lives in a small hut in the forest. His wife and his three children helping him to protect the forest. He treated the forest like his child. In 2015 he was honored with Padma Shri. Jadav Payeng says that...
   "The education system should be like this, every kid should be asked to plant two trees."

2. Dashrath Manjhi - Mountain Man of India

Dashrath Manjhi, popularly known as "Mountain Man" is a legend who proved that nothing is impossible to achieve. His life gives a moral lesson that a small man, who has no money and no power can challenge a mighty mountain.

Dashrath Manjhi was a poor labourer in Gehlaur village in Bihar. He carved a path 110m long, 9.1 m wide, 7.6 m deep through a hillock using only hammer and chisel. Manjhi worked in Dhanbad coal mines, when he returned home he fell love with a village girl named Phalguni Devi and married her. In 1960, one day his wife who was heavily pregnant, was taking lunch for him to the fields, for which she need to climb the mountain. While climbing she slipped from the mountain, heavily injured and died. 

The heart broken Manjhi, who loved his wife more than anything in this world, decided to carve out a path, so that no other person suffers like his wife. He took a hammer and chisel and started carving the path alone, even the villagers ridiculed him. Finally in 1982, because of Manjhi's 22 years work the villagers saw a new morning. He carved the path by cutting the mountain and reduce the distance to outer world. Manjhi says....

                               "I started this work out of love for my wife, but continued it for my people.If i did not, no one would"

Salute to the indomitable spirit of Manjhi.

3. Rajendra Singh - The Water Man of India 

Rajendra Singh is well known conservationist from Rajasthan and also known as " water man of India". 

In 1974 he was inspired by Ramesh Sharma, a member of Gandhi peace foundation. Then he decided to serve the nation. After completion of studies, he joined government service in 1980 and started his career as National Service Volunteer for Education in Jaipur. Meanwhile he joined Tarun Bharath Sangha (Young Indian Association), later he became the general secretary of organization.

Then he left his job started travelling to inner Rajasthan, on 2nd October 1985, he reached Kishori village with his team. Soon, he started a small Ayurvedic medicine practice in nearby village Gopalapura, while his colleagues went out to villages to promote education. 

One day he known that the water was a bigger issue than education in villages. So he decided to help the villages and learn the ancient techniques of water conservation through elders farmers of village. Then with the help of local youth he desilt the rainwater storage tank in Gopalapura. When the monsoon arrived it filled water after a decade, eventually ground water increased.

Later Tarun Bharat Sangha constructed johads in villages,tiny earthen dams on Arvari river and it was a huge success to organization. He fought with government to close mines in surrounding area and achieve success in it. Like that he revived many rivers like Ruparel, Sarsa, Bhagini and Jahajwali, eventually farming increased in those areas. Like that he started many programs like Reforestation, Gram sabha, water parliament in many villages.

He was awarded with Magsaysay award for community leadership in 2001. He says that..

           " We have to change the way we think and look at things in a different way. It's difficult , but it's not possible."

Like these men we have many leaders in our country who changed the way of thinking of people. These men have great determination and will power to complete their goals and worked hard through years. 
Our puranas says that " Don't expect results, unless you worked hard, the success may come with respect to your work."

Sources : Wiki

The Holy Basil

      "Tulasi is auspicious in all respects. Simply by seeing, simply by touching, simply by remembering, simply by praying to, simply by bowing before, simply by hearing about, or simply by sowing this tree, there is always auspiciousness. Anyone who comes in touch with the tulasi tree in above mentioned ways lives eternally in the spiritual world."

The holy basil was well known as tulasi has a significant role in Hindu religion. It has it's roots on India, Nepal, Srilanka and many other Eastern countries. According to Hindu scriptures there was a famous story on the birth of tulasi plant. Tulasi was an incarnation of goddess Lakshmi wife of Hindu god Vishnu.  

There are so many medicinal usages of basil. It has given importance in Vedic texts and Puranas. Thousand years ego the Indian scientists well known as acharyas and rushis found the medicinal properties of tulasi.

They taught the medicinal benefits of basil to people in religious way, because the indian people follow the methods of puja that described in Vedas. So, with in a short span of time the significance of tulasi expanded in the country.

  • Through out the centuries Indian people following those methods of usage of tulasi in Ayurveda. tulasi heals us from many diseases. It will be helpful to us if we chew the leaves or drink the extract of leaves.
  • Tulasi bath protect our skins from many bacteria. The leaves of tulasi plucked and mixed in warm water for a while. The tulasi leaves gives the anti-bacterial properties to bath water.
  • Chewing of tulasi leaves freshens our mouth and kill harmful bacteria that causes cavities,tartar,bad breath. It also make the gums stronger.
  • It helps in curing respiratory disorders.
  • Tulasi was used in treatment of astama.
  • It can control headache, cough and cold.
It was advised that to plant a tulasi in home. It can purify the surrounding air. The most important thing is it gives us the spiritual development. Hindu religion always surrounded with science unlike any other. It taught us importance of every plant and tree in our daily life. To bring us close to those plants and trees our Vedas and Puranas treated those trees as gods/goddess.

In present days people unaware of those things. Mostly in many houses there was no tulasi . This tree not bring us luck nor good-deed, it will give us health that leads to wealth and happiness in family.

     "We need to respect our Vedas and Purans, and also it is necessary to learn such texts. Because those are not novels nor the books that entertain us, they give us enormous amount of knowledge and spiritual way of living which connects us to nature, the mother of everything."